
I'm Tobias Crawley, but you can call me Toby. I'm a software developer and all around nice guy. I currently work at Shortcut. You can learn more about my Open Source software development here, or using the links in the header above.

Open Source Work

Here are a few of the OSS projects to which I have provided significant contributions:

  • Clojars - The Clojure community package repository
  • Immutant - Suite of Clojure libraries for web development
  • Thorntail - A microservices platform based on the WildFly application server
  • TorqueBox - A JRuby application platform
  • Vert.x mod-lang-clojure - Clojure language bindings for Vert.x 2.x

See the contributions page for a more comprehensive list.


I've given a few presentations about my work in the last few years. Here are a some of them, a few with video: