OSS Contributions
Here are a few of the OSS projects to which I have provided significant contributions:
- Clojars - The Clojure community package repository
- Immutant - Suite of Clojure libraries for web development
- Thorntail - A microservices platform based on the WildFly application server
- TorqueBox - A JRuby application platform
- Vert.x mod-lang-clojure - Clojure language bindings for Vert.x 2.x
I also created:
- backstage
- badpad
- boot-immutant
- boot-jruby
- cljdoc
- clj.rb
- credit_card_validator
- downplay-mode
- dynapath
- github-rss
- group-ldap-auth
- immutant-transit
- lein-immutant
- lein-webdav
- looper
- proddbot
- progress
- quickwin
- ShimDandy
- supersport
- tclXcom My first OSS project. Also: tabs, gross.
- twitter4j4r
- zendesk_remote_auth