“Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.”
“Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.”
Small distribution: 5 MB
Efficient with resources
Small, generally consistent API
“Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.”
650,000 requests/second - http://bit.ly/vertxbench
Based on Netty - http://netty.io
Primarily asynchronous
“Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.”
Run multiple applications (Verticles) in one instance
Simple inter-component communication (EventBus)
High Availability
(* in progress)
“Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.”
A mature VM
Not just Java
Massive amount of libraries
“Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.”
Many connections
Constrained resources (To The Cloud!)
Simple without being simplistic.
Defaults to one/core
Verticle tied to one loop
Thread confinement
Language ecosystems
Async complexity
Don't block the reactor loop
or any other blocking operating from java.util.concurrent
while(true) {puts "King of the world!"}
Runs on a thread pool, so can block.
Still thread-confined by default.
http://vertx.io / https://github.com/vert-x/
NoDyn - http://nodyn.io
Yoke - http://pmlopes.github.io/yoke/
Vert.x Module Registry - http://modulereg.vertx.io/